Semilla Guantánamo
Improving resilience and adaptation to climate change in eastern Cuba
Improving resilience and adaptation to climate change in eastern Cuba
Cultural and Creative Enterprises: a development potential for Cuba
Protection of people with special needs through the improvement of housing, energy, water and sanitation conditions in the federated states of Táchira and Mérida
INTEGRA Programme, Ecuador
Forests, biodiversity and community development. Strengthening the national management of protected areas in Guatemala and Honduras
for economic and social reintegration in the framework of the peace agreement
Global assistance to victims of armed conflict in Colombia
in health institutions and communities in the state of Tachira
for the strengthening of capacities, bodies and community organisations in the Municipality of Medellín
Assistance with health, protection and nutrition for children, adolescents and women in vulnerable situations through community brigades and the Comprehensive Care Centre for Children, Girls, Adolesc ...
for Indigenous Peoples in the North of Salta Province (Departments of Rivvia, San Martín and Orán), Argentina